Two courts were reopened at the UD7 Ruiz Pineda-Caricuao in Caracas, for the benefit of the community, guaranteeing sports and recreational spaces, reported the mayor, A/J Meléndez.
He explained that the sports spaces were fully rehabilitated, “that sport will shine, as well as culture and all possible activities, such as assemblies and open-air markets.”
“With the encouragement of the National Anti-Drug Fund and as part of the Plan Gran Caracas Patriota, Bella y Segura, we transformed both courts, at the request of the community,” Meléndez said in a message posted on the social network Twitter.
Similarly, he stressed that 542 sports spaces have already been rehabilitated through the Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, “and in total we have delivered about 800,” he emphasized.
“We are going progressively, with the efforts of everyone, achieving great changes in Caracas. We continue to renew spaces, with the participation of organized People’s Power and the awareness of collaborating to live better”, he pointed out.
This Sunday #16Oct We have reopened two fields, in the Caricuao UD7, to the joy of the entire community.
Fully rehabilitated spaces, in which sport will shine, as well as culture and all possible activities, such as assemblies and open-air markets
– Carmen Meléndez (@gestionperfecta) October 16, 2022