The Automotive Tramway Union (UTA) announced this Tuesday a transportation stoppagereferring to medium and long distance groups starting at 00h this Wednesday.
The unemployment of collective will apply to the interior of the country. Through a statement, they said: “We inform the workers, the public opinion and the users that, having failed the salary negotiations with the FATAP, the agreement is ratified. unemployment (transport)”.
The drivers who organize this transportation stoppage They seek to close a salary agreement similar to the one obtained by the AMBA drivers, which would imply a basic salary of 200 thousand pesos from December.
The organization pronounced in its statement that “in the same way that the state efforts were made to reach an agreement for the AMBA workers”, it should be made official for those from the interior of the territory, with the premise: “Equal pay for equal work”. The claim is also based on equating salaries of drivers of provincial short and medium distance lines with those paid in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA).
Previously in another statement, from UTA it had been warned that compulsory conciliation ended and they pointed out that “the rulers will be responsible, for the refusal to agree on salaries for the represented comrades.”
Past UTA Claims
On May 10 of the current year, the UTA had carried out a day of drivers strike of groups from the interior that lasted for 72 hours (three days). At that time, it was planned that they would also stop on Thursday the 19th and 20th, since on Wednesday they would work so as not to affect the normal development of the National Census.
The measure culminated in being lifted after the union reported that on Tuesday the 17th an agreement had been reached in principle with the FATAP representatives and, if signed in the Ministry of Labor, it would end with the strike.