The former Nicaraguan ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) Arthur McFields He described the rejection by the Daniel Ortega regime of the ambassador nominated by the United States, Hugo Rodríguez, as a “slam in the face”.
McFields’ statements to Article 66 They occur after Nicaragua’s vice president, Rosario Murillo, reiterated her refusal to receive the US diplomat.
Related news: Murillo rejects Hugo Rodríguez as US ambassador: “He will not be admitted”
“Incredibly postulated despite the dignified and sovereign rejection of the Government of Nicaragua that does not accept him as an ambassador, as a diplomat or as an official with those interventionist speeches about our Nicaragua,” the vice-president expressed in a mocking tone.
Given these statements, the former Nicaraguan diplomat said that the dictatorship’s approach of rejecting the ambassador proposed by the United States slams the door in the face of the Joe Biden government.
For the also journalist, this action by the Ortega dictatorship “will have its consequences”, since he assures that the US government had “tried to send some positive message to the dictatorship, in the sense that President Biden gave him a gesture of courtesy by not mentioning the terrible violations of human rights in Nicaragua in the United Nations forum.
“Then came the situation with the Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of that government, Brian Nichols, whom the dictatorship insulted in a racist and vulgar way. There were also no reactions from the United States, in a gesture of goodwill and wanting to create or build bridges to the dictator, however —the regime— has blown up all the bridges,” he added.
On the other hand, he pointed out that Nicaragua is entering “a new chapter” of bilateral relations with the US that “for 12 uninterrupted years a relationship of ambassador to ambassador had been maintained.”
Related news: The US remains firm with the nomination of Hugo Rodríguez as its ambassador to Nicaragua
“No matter what happened in Nicaragua, what was said, the sanctions that were in place or the context of tension, the Managua ambassador in Washington and the United States ambassador in Managua had remained, and that was a very interesting sign ( …) but now Ortega has slammed the door in the face of an ambassador —from the North American country—”, he emphasized.
The country sinks into isolation
McFields insisted that Ortega’s position towards the Biden government “is serious”, “because at the end of the day the one who suffers with this radicalization of the dictatorship is the Nicaraguan people, because the United States is the destiny of almost 60 percent percent of Nicaraguan exports.
He detailed that «lU.S. companies based in the country generate unprecedented employment, while alliances with China and Russia —of which the Nicaraguan dictatorship boasts so much— They don’t even reach 8 percent.”
“The country is sinking into isolation, the people are suffering from unemployment and the economy is going to languish because of a dictator who has gone mad,” he remarked.
Related news: Hugo Rodríguez’s statements that aroused the “anger” of the Ortega regime
It should be noted that the Ortega government’s annoyance occurred after Rodríguez promised to continue demanding freedom for the political prisoners of the dictatorship, as well as respect for democracy and the cessation of human rights violations.
“I promise to work with Congress, inter-institutional colleagues and international partners to press for the return to democracy, respect for human rights and the freedom of political prisoners in Nicaragua,” were the words of the diplomat.