The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized this Tuesday that the United States (USA) and the European Union (EU) opted for economic suicide, after imposing, since last February, sanctions against Russia.
“Europe and the US have chosen economic suicide, trying to kill Russia. Europe and the US have decreed the economic and social suicide of their economy, to finish off Russia », she stressed.
The national president recalled that, due to the sanctions, the US and the EU are suffering a strong economic recession, as well as being submerged in an energy crisis, AVN reports.
It should be remembered that the unilateral sanctions against Russia include a partial embargo on its oil and Russian gas, which has generated extreme measures in several countries, including the reactivation of coal plants, in order to survive the winter.
“They prefer energy crises, blackouts, the economic crisis, unleashed inflation to negotiating peace with Russia,” he asserted.
In this sense, he reiterated the call to join the initiative presented by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the United Nations (UN) to create an international commission, which seeks mechanisms to establish a dialogue between Russia and Ukraine.
«I joined the initiative launched by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to create an international dialogue committee for dialogue and peace, to seek a fair negotiation, for peace, between Russia and Ukraine. We must reactivate the mechanisms of diplomacy, dialogue, politics, and not let a conflict continue to escalate », he pointed out.
He pointed out that, if the situation between Moscow and kyiv cannot be stopped, it could escalate into a “world nuclear war”.
“Humanity cries out for peace, understanding, dialogue and diplomacy and we from Venezuela cry out for dialogue, diplomacy and peace,” he said.
On the other hand, he indicated that, despite this economic recession, Venezuela breaks the growth record of the real economy.