Pre-Trip 3: what are the benefits for retirees and pensioners

Pre-Trip 3: what are the benefits for retirees and pensioners

A few days ago the time expired to buy tourist services through Pre-Tripa campaign of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports that reached its third edition and through which more than 6 million citizens have traveled to the interior of the country.

Although usually the program returns 50% of tourism expenses in the form of credit, retirees and pensioners who travel with Pre-Trip They have an additional benefit, since they receive a refund of up to 70% of the consumptions that are made.

Pre-Trip 3: what are the benefits for retirees and pensioners
Some 35 billion pesos will be generated during the low season for the program.

However, for this edition of Pre-Tripthe Ministry of Tourism made some modifications, among them, that citizens will be able to travel to any place within the country between October 10 and December 5since the objective of the program is to stimulate tourism in the low season.

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