An alleged irregularity in the preparation of work files was found by the Comptroller General in the Provincial Municipality of Tayacaja.
The control entity determined that the aforementioned commune did grant a consent and paid for the preparation of two technical files that were delivered with incomplete information.
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As if that were not enough, they also detected inconsistencies and deficiencies in the technical files for the construction of an educational institution in the Casay town center, in addition to the construction of the main park in the Sachacoto town center.
These problems caused economic damage to the state of more than 45 thousand soles.
This information was reflected in a document issued by the Comptroller called the subsequent ex officio action report No. 016-2022-OCI, in which they detail that the update of the technical file of the project “Improvement of the initial, primary and secondary educational service in The Integrated EI of the Town Center of Casay, district of Pampas, province of Tayacaja was carried out five days after the contract was signed.
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Likewise, the components such as descriptive reports, metering, budget, among others, were prepared months before the date of the request and the signing of the contract.
When reviewing the technical file that cost 33 thousand 350 soles, they warned that the consultant failed to present all the required components and they were not fully updated either.
Likewise, the technical documents are not in a suitable condition in the National Educational Infrastructure Program (PRONIED), as required by the service contract.
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On the other hand, the same control entity issued the subsequent ex officio action report No. 017-2022-OCI, in which they deduce that the Tayacajina commune granted 100% compliance and paid half for the consulting service of the file. technician of the project “Creation of the main park of the town center of Sachacoto in the district of Surcubamba, province of Tayacaja”.
Said payment was made despite the fact that they did not comply with the contract and the terms of reference.
As if that were not enough, the document also presents omissions, inconsistencies in the technical information, there are deficiencies, likewise, the components are not complete, so its execution is not viable.
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In this project, the Comptroller calculates that there is an economic loss of 16 thousand soles.
The two control reports prepared by the OCI of the Provincial Municipality of Tayacaja were sent to the hands of the provincial mayor so that he implements the corresponding sanction and fiscal investigation actions.