During his 70-year reign, Isabel II from England dealt with 15 prime ministers British, in weekly audiences at Buckingham Palace.
Historians consider that the one who had the greatest influence on her was Winston Churchillthe first head of government with whom he had to deal and who acted as a mentor to the sovereign.
With Harold Macmillan shared a fondness for political gossip, Tony Blair considered him too contemptuous of traditions and david cameronof noble ancestors, turned out to be a cousin far.
His relations with the “Iron Lady”, Margaret Thatcheron the other hand, were not particularly fluid and little was known of what he thought about the controversial Boris Johnson.
These are the 15 heads of government of the reign of Elizabeth II:
- Winston Churchill, Conservative (1951-1955)
- Anthony Eden, Conservative (1955-1957)
- Harold Macmillan, Conservative (1957-1963)
- Alec Douglas-Home, Conservative (1963-1964)
- Harold Wilson, Labor (1964-1970 and 1974-1976)
- Edward Heath, Conservative (1970-1974)
- James Callaghan, Labor (1976-1979)
- Margaret Thatcher, Conservative (1979-1990)
- John Major, Conservative (1990-1997)
- Tony Blair, Labor (1997-2007)
- Gordon Brown, Labor (2007-2010)
- David Cameron, Conservative (2010-2016)
- Theresa May, Conservative (2016-2019)
- Boris Johnson, Conservative (2019-2022)
- Liz Truss, Conservative (September 2022-present).