Addiction to video games, officially classified as a disease according to the WHO, brings difficulties to mental health, which is increasing worldwide. In Colombia, a high percentage of people have access to these elements.
International News.
Every August 29th, the international video game day is celebrated, an initiative that emerged from important specialized video game magazines and created in 2008, but as this industry is celebrated, it is also the day on which it warns of the risk of addiction they cause.
Over the years the industry has been growing, a topic with diverse experiences such as money, education, and the way we see our world.
But it has also brought great challenges and this issue has led many people to addiction to video games.
The WHO (World Health Organization) includes them as “a serious condition that can affect the mental and even physical health of users.”
How do you recognize an addicted person?
Addiction to these electronic games is a disorder that many people suffer from and that causes the uncontrollable urge to play. “The person is unable to control their desire to perform these practices for long hours of the day,” indicate medical reports.
Many of these people do not recognize having an addiction to this practice.
Family members are alarmed when they notice the obsession they have and that it brings problems to their quality of life.
The main affected are usually young, since they have the habit of being fond of this type of entertainment.
Nowadays it has been professionalized by the creation of world championships, which has led to the visible addiction and growth in this field.
Video games in Colombia
According to EAE Business School, Colombia occupies the second place with the highest consumption of video games in Latin America with an income of US$760 million in 2021.
By cities, the Newzoo company, an expert in video games, highlights Bogotá, Medellin, Barranquilla, Pereira and Bucaramanga as the cities with the highest exports.
What are the ages that consume the most video games in Colombia?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, this practice was growing in the country.
And in Colombia, although it could continue to grow, there is a barrier that prevents it, since according to DANE data, only 56.5% of households had internet access in 2020.
Video games are an important tool when it comes to entertainment, especially children and young people. But with control and for short periods.
Also, especially if it is shared with the family.
The majority of video game consumers are:
- Between 16 and 24 years old, with 32.2%, between 25 and 34 years old, 29.7%, 35 to 44 years old, 21.4% and people over 45 years old with 16.7%.
Men are the most involved in this industry, a study conducted by DANE in the space of a month found that 29.1% in men and 11.4% in women who engaged in this practice.
The use of video games at an early age is not bad, the problem is the dependence that is generated towards them.
Addiction is the one that negatively affects the lives of young people.
This leads the person to truly focus on this practice and thus lose contact with social, emotional and family reality.
One of the problems is that it presents difficulties to carry out the tasks, lack of attention and isolation behavior.