Brazil generated 218,902 formal jobs in July. In the accumulated result for 2022, 1,560,896 formal jobs were created, according to the General Register of Employed and Unemployed (Novo Caged) released today (29) by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Between August 2021 and July 2022 (last 12 months), the positive balance was 2,549,939 vacancies generated. With this, the total stock of workers with a formal contract is 42,239,251. Also according to Caged, from July 2020 to July 2022, the positive balance is 5,542,283 new jobs “resulting from 43,141,648 admissions and 37,599,365 dismissals in the period”.
The five segments analyzed recorded positive balances in July. The biggest growth was that of Services, which had a positive balance of 81,873 formal jobs. The Industry group registered 50,503 new jobs; and Commerce, generated 38,574 jobs in the month.
In the accumulated result for the year, civil construction was the sector with the best performance, with growth of 9.38% in the stock of formal jobs. Services generated 874,203 jobs, followed by industry, with 266,824 new jobs.
São Paulo was the state that registered, in the month, the highest number of formal jobs created: 67,009, which represents an increase of 0.51%. Minas Gerais added 19,060 new jobs (0.43%); and Paraná added another 16,090 formal jobs (0.55%).
“From a regional point of view, the highlight was the North Region, with a growth of 0.8% in the workforce, the highest relative growth among the five Brazilian regions”, highlighted the ministry.
Regarding salaries, for the second month in a row, there was an increase in the real average salary for admission. On average, the amount settled was R$ 1,926.54, which represents an increase of 0.80%. “Compared to the previous month, there was a real increase of R$ 15.31, with the highest growth verified in the commerce sector, R$ 1,685.67, a variation of 1.95%”, detailed the survey.