Officials, trade unionists and businessmen will negotiate this Monday at 2:00 p.m. in a plenary session of the Salary Council the updating of the minimum, vital and mobile salary as well as unemployment benefits, in the face of the stampede of the inflationary process, although the CGT, the CTA and the Autonomous CTA have not yet determined the position they will present at the tripartite meeting.
The National Council for Employment, Productivity and the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage will meet first at 2:00 p.m. with the participation of two representatives from each sector in the so-called Technical Commission, and then, an hour later, the plenary session of 32 members -16 by the worker and 16 by the employer-, in both cases through a videoconference.
The Government had summoned the members of the tripartite body, headed by Labor Minister Claudio Moroni, to two sessions for the 18th of this month, but the meeting was postponed until Monday. -in agreement with the CGT- due to the absence in Argentina of the head of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), Daniel Funes de Rioja.
The postponement for Monday was resolved through resolution 7/2022 of the Ministry of Labor, published in the Official Gazette on August 3 and later modified by resolution 8/2022 of the same ministry, which postponed the start time of the plenary session from 12 noon to 3 p.m. due to the “several proposals made” and “in order to guarantee the participation of all the members” of the Council.
Participants must define the new wage floor and its brackets and the amount of unemployment benefitsalthough everything indicates -it is the forecast of the union sector- that in no way “the little more than 111 thousand pesos will be reached that the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) itself maintained that they are necessary in order not to be poor.”
The CGT sources to whom Télam had access confided that the workers’ union “has not yet determined a position”, but they detailed that this Monday at 10 o’clock the members of the small table will debate this issue in the health union (ATSA).
“A position has not yet been established, since the workers’ union comes from a massive march against price makers and market speculators and has debated these days the proposal to grant a bonus and its demand for free parity, so that The position will be resolved this Monday in the health union”, detailed the spokespersons.
Both the CTA led by the teacher Hugo Yasky and his Autonomous counterpart (CTAA) led by the state Hugo Godoy and the medical visitor Ricardo Peidro also convened for Monday -prior to the meeting of the Salary Council- their respective conductions to determine the position that they will present in the afternoon, at the tripartite meeting.
“The CTA will deliberate on Monday to establish a position, but it will take its own position to the Council and not coincide with the CGT. That is very difficult”Yasky overtook Télam from Trelew, where he traveled to attend the acts for the 50th anniversary of the massacre that the dictatorship of Agustín Lanusse produced on August 22, 1972 in that city.
Meanwhile, from the Autonomous CTA, which on August 11 renewed authorities for 4 years, they trusted that this center will also meet on Monday, in the hours prior to the meeting of the Salary Council, and announced that there they will ratify their “historical position” consistent in which the minimum amount exceeds the inflation forecast for the year.
“It is necessary, albeit gradually, to agree on a salary recovery plan for what has been lost since the time of the macrismo and overcome this year’s inflationary figure, which all sources estimate at no less than 90 percent. In addition, the minimum salary must reach those who do not currently contemplate it, such as municipal workers, rural laborers and domestic workers and, although it is not the scope, universal income must be established, “they raised from the Autonomous CTA.
Other union sources detailed that the CTA and the CGT could claim a 45 percent increase over the current value of the minimum wage, which would raise it to just over 68 thousand pesosto reach “the inflationary forecasts for the year”, although there are -they added- differences regarding the requirement of the tranches to collect it.
The Federal Workers Current (CFT) in the CGT, led by the banker Sergio Palazzo and the graphic designer from Buenos Aires Héctor Amichetti, confirmed that Argentines must have “their basic needs covered”, and argued that the joint ventures are the way to update wages. of the staff registered in the various activities.
In a dialogue with Télam, Amichetti insisted on the historical position of that union space and maintained that “no worker should receive an income of less than 111,298 pesos in order not to fall below the poverty line, as stated by Indec itself.”
“No worker should receive an income of less than 111,298 pesos in order not to fall below the poverty line, as stated by Indec itself”Hector Amichetti
“No worker in the country should earn less than that amount, released by Indec itself, but it is very difficult for this figure to be agreed this Monday, especially in the face of resistance from the cameras. For the same reason, fixed sums will have to be granted that make up for the gap between reality and income,” Amichetti stressed.
The Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage Council had met for the last time on March 16 and agreed – with the opposition of the Autonomous CTA – an increase of 45 percent in 4 sections, but in May the Government advanced this improvement and, since June 1, it is 45,540 pesos and, since August, 47,850 pesos for monthly workers.
Also from this month the value of the hour for daily staff is 239.30 pesos and, the minimum and maximum amounts for unemployment, of 13,292 and 22,153 pesos,
The Government then maintained that “the recovery of wages is a priority and a necessary condition for the economy to sustain the current reactivation underway.”
The tripartite body is made up of 32 members: 16 for the workers and the same number representing the business chambers of all activities.
In the event that there is no agreement between the participants of the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Salary Council, the Minister of Labor has the power to laud.