Agents of the Diviac of Lima and Huancayo dismantled the criminal organization “Los Timadores de los Andes”, also known as “The watchmakers”, dedicated to swindling their victims with the story that they would enter the school of officers and non-commissioned officers of the National Police of Peru (PNP).
According to Latina, the band has been profiting since 2019 under this modality. They demanded large sums of money ranging from S/25 thousand to S/42 thousand.
“It was a very evil organization, very ruthless because they have taken their money from humble people deceiving them with the story of entering public and private institutions. Not only did they do that, they also processed home loans for them”, said Colonel PNP Franco Moreno, head of the Diviac Lima.
During the intervention, seven alleged members were arrested, who were led by Freddy Brayan Arroyo Pizarro, alias ‘El capitan’, a 28-year-old man who posed as a PNP officer and thus He would have scammed more than 80 people and obtained about S / 2 million.
“The seven who have been asked to arrest, all seven have been captured. One has been captured in the town of Oxapampa. We are going to determine which people, which officials have been able to collaborate with this organization”, pointed out the head of the Diviac Lima.
In addition, after a search of 10 buildings in Huancayo and two in Ayacucho, police and military uniforms, firearms, documents and two vehicles were seized.
“We ask for justice, that they return our money, that all that money that we have given has been loans from the bank and until now we continue to pay the debt. They are S / 30 thousand that I have given for my daughter “said one of the victims.