The Congress of the republic suspended its session this Thursday, August 18, without addressing the interpellation motion filed against the Minister of Transport and Communications, Geiner Alvarado.
As recalled, the document was presented by the Avanza País bench against the head of the MTC, who is being investigated by the Public Ministry for the alleged commission of the crime of criminal organization.
The motion has the signatures of the parliamentarians of this parliamentary group and some others from other groups, such as the legislators of Renovación Popular, such as Jose Cueto and Glady Echaiz.
In this regard, the President of Parliament, Lady Camones (Alliance for Progress), denied that the issue is being delayed and said that On September 1, this motion and the one presented by Ruth Luque will be seen. (Democratic Change).
“We have another motion that we plan to add. On September 1, the union of the two motions will be read, and then the minister’s presentation date will be given “told Canal N.
According to the motion, the minister will have to attend the plenary session of Congress and answer an interpellatory statement for the alleged irregularities that would have existed in the sanitation works in the town of Anguiain Cajamarca.
The same document details that they are looking for Alvarado to provide details of the meetings he held with the businessmen. Hugo and Anggi Espino Lucanawho are preliminarily detained.
According to the Prosecutor’s thesis, Geiner Alvarado, until recently Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, was “leader” Y “lieutenant” of the criminal network, which would have sought “Copy important State entities with people of close trust”.