The INE is always ready to provide information and technical evidence “not based on prejudice or false information about the functioning of the institutions”, and the intention is to start from an objective and serious analysis “so that it is to improve what we have” and expand the political rights of citizens, he said.
The forum in which it will participate has been disqualified by deputies of the majority that make up Morena, the Labor Party (PT) and the Green Party (PVEM), who on Friday denied Va por México institutional spaces for the inauguration of its forums.
The @INEMexico is ready to provide all the information required by legislators in the discussion and analysis of the various political-electoral reform initiatives. We will participate in respectful dialogue with all political forces.
– Lorenzo Córdova V. (@lorenzocordovav)
August 7, 2022
On the other hand, the ruling bloc has been holding the Open Parliament on electoral reform for two weeks, for which it would have made generic invitations to the judicial and administrative electoral bodies, so it has not had a significant presence of them and, on the contrary, They have had the presence of officials and legislators from the Moreno bloc.
In his video message, Córdova Vianello asked legislators not to base electoral reform on prejudice or false data so that eventual changes improve the system and are not a setback, since until now all the reforms have had a progressive path.