Pope Francis warned of the current “ideological colonizations” that threaten “traditions, history and religious ties” of peoples, recalling from the Vatican the trip he made last week to Canada.
“I pointed out how the colonizing mentality is presenting itself today under various forms of ideological colonization, which threaten the traditions, history and religious ties of the peoples.flattening differences, concentrating only on the present and often neglecting duties towards the weakest and most fragile,” the pontiff said from the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall.
Pope (@Pontifex_es) warned about the current “ideological colonizations” that threaten “the traditions, history and religious ties” of the peoples, recalling from the Vatican the trip he made last week to Canada https://t.co/Q6JZyoIkgW pic.twitter.com/E3jQaf3lSe
—Telam Agency (@TelamAgency) August 3, 2022
In his first general audience after the summer break in July, the Pope said that, on his trip to the North American country, “the main motivation was to meet the original populations to express my closeness and my pain and ask forgiveness for the damage that they were made by those Christians, including many Catholics, who in the past collaborated in the policies of forced assimilation and liberation of the governments of the time”.
The Pope traveled to Canada to meet the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, who suffered the policy of forced assimilation in state boarding schools for boys between the end of the 19th century and the 1990s, in which some members of the Church participated.
“Therefore, it was a penitential pilgrimage. There were many moments of joy, but the meaning and tone of the whole was one of reflection, repentance and reconciliation,” the Pope said.