On Friday, July 29, the government released the content of its draft law called: “Integrated Pension System”, known as the reform of social security, which establishes that people born in 1971 onwards will configure retirement grounds with 30 years of work and 65 years of age. Rural and construction workers are excluded from the minimum age of 65, while other items may request to maintain 60 years if they prove “a high degree of physical effort.”
This Monday, August 1, the PIT-CNT held a press conference to express its opinion on the initiative.
Reduce, lower and trim
The president of the workers’ union, Marcelo Abdala, expressed his “deep concern” about the content of the government project.
He said that the executive branch’s pension reform proposal “shows that it is not comprehensive.”
“It has a leitmotif that is to reduce, lower and cut back, rights, benefits and benefits, because it raises the retirement age for large contingents of workers, concomitantly increases the years of work and reduces benefits and pensions for vast sectors of workers”, Abdala remarked, in the framework of a press conference in which the highest representatives of the workers’ union also participated.
He added that it is a pension reform project that cuts rights.
“Unilaterally biased in social security expenses, instead of income. There is not a single proposal that locates the improvement of social security income, for example: taxing the great wealth of the country. That is why it is cut, it looks at financing issues only from the point of view of shrinking, it considers social security an unnecessary expense when we know that it is an aspect that makes up the pillar of social protection for workers and vast contingents of the population” , sentenced Abdala.
Technicians from the PIT-CNT will analyze in greater depth the preliminary draft consisting of 307 articles to make a more specific assessment. This Tuesday, the Executive Secretariat will define a delegation from the plant for a meeting that has been convened by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Pablo Mieres.