The Government extended until October 31 of this year the term granted to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) for the international purchase of nitrogenous fertilizer (urea) and delivery at the national level to producers, through the Rural Agricultural Productive Development Program (Agro Rural), in order to guarantee the 2022-2023 agricultural campaign.
The measure was made official today by Emergency Decree No. 019-2022 published in legal regulations of the El Peruano newspaper, and bears the signature of the president, Pedro Castillo, and state ministers, including the head of Midagri, Andrés Alencastre.
The rule extends until October 31, 2022 the deadlines to acquire urea on the international market and guarantee its delivery to organizations of agricultural producers and individual agricultural producers, during the beginning of the agricultural campaign up to the sum of S / 348.8 millions. The purchase validity of the previous Emergency Decree (013-2022) expired on August 15.
Similarly, Midagri is authorized, through Agro Rural, to implement logistics operation activities, delivery support and national distribution of urea nitrogen fertilizer, in order to ensure the provision of this input to agriculture.
For this, the contracting of goods and services that are necessary for the implementation of logistics operation activities, delivery support and distribution provided for in number 2.3 of this standard, which includes planning, storage, transportation, distribution and monitoring of the fertilizer delivery process, are excluded from the application of the provisions of Law No. 30225, State Procurement Law.
Register of producers
Likewise, this Emergency Decree extends until December 15, 2022, the incorporation of new producers to the Register of Agricultural Producers (PPA). To date, 435,000 have been registered.
In addition, public entities are authorized to grant in affectation in use, upon request of the Agro Rural program, the movable or immovable property, owned or affected in use in their favor, for the development of the operations that derive from the this standard.
Agro Rural will assume the expenses and carry out the necessary actions for the adaptation, implementation, and operation of the affected goods. The public entities, owners of the assets, or original affected institutions, as appropriate, will carry out general maintenance of the same and of the common areas, as appropriate; and also the payment of the respective basic services.