The President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, reported during his message to the Nation that -from the Ministry of Health (Minsa)- a total of S/257 million has been enabled and transferred for investments in health that did not have a budget by 2022 .
He explained that of said amount, S/ 237 million correspond to investments in the regions of Loreto, Ayacucho, Amazonas, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Cusco, Apurímac, Lambayeque and La Libertad.
Likewise, it indicated that amounts were included for the continuity of investments in: Pucyura Health Center, Pichari Health Center; and in the Support Hospitals of San Miguel, San Francisco and San Martin de Pangoa, in the area of the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro rivers (Vraem).
Investment in hospitals
On the other hand, the president explained that earmarked S/.3.5 million for the preparation of the Technical File of the San Juan de Lurigancho Hospitalwhose completion is estimated for December of this year, with the start of the execution of the work expected for the second half of 2023, whose investment represents more than S/620 million.
The new hospital center will have 280 hospital beds, 35 ICU beds and 43 emergency observation beds, 10 operating rooms and 2 delivery rooms.
Similarly, the president specified that the architectural blueprint for the construction of the Sergio Bernales Hospital, in the district of Comas, which will collect the recommendations of good international practices for the implementation of hospitals.
“In the first quarter of 2023, the physical execution of the early works will begin, under the Fast Track approach, with the aim of having a Category III-1 Specialized Hospital for the benefit of 873,200 inhabitants within approximately two years”he detailed.
Lastly, he announced the construction of the Antonio Lorena Hospital in Cusco for the benefit of 444,080 inhabitants. “This month, the demolition, dismantling and reinforcement works of the existing infrastructure have been restarted, in response to the recommendations received”.