the legislator John Burgos presented his resignation this Monday, July 25, to the bench of Country advances. The parliamentarian’s resignation occurs in a context in which the aforementioned group is divided: one sector supports the lady camones list (Alliance for Progress), while another insists that Gladys Echaíz preside over Parliament for 2022-2023.
“I am writing to you to express my cordial greetings and, likewise, to present my irrevocable resignation to the Avanza País parliamentary group. In this regard, I state that my resignation is based on reasons of conscience and democratic conviction,” Burgos said in a letter addressed to spokesman José Williams.
Avanza País is divided by the election of the new Board of Directors. Burgos was part of the block that supports Camones Soriano’s candidacy. His signature even appears in the “honor commitment” signed by representatives of five benches so that in the event of a vacancy for Pedro Castillo and disqualification for Dina Boluarte, a new leadership of Parliament is elected.
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“Alliance for Progress has chosen a great candidate, a candidate from the coalition, Congresswoman Camones. There is no other list that represents us,” declared the congressman from La Libertad last Friday, one day before Gladys Echaíz’s candidacy was announced.
“In a commitment to support ‘the list of democracy’, the opposition list to the corrupt government of Pedro Castillo”, added Juan Burgos.
Other resignations for the election of the Board of Directors
The struggles for the election of the new board of directors have shown the differences between the right and center benches. To date, Gladys Echaíz and Héctor Acuña have resigned from Alianza para el Progreso after not being selected as the candidates to lead the group’s list.
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Echaíz went to Renovación Popular, while Acuña joined the ranks of Cambio Democrático. The exapepistas will seek to direct the Congress from said benches.