National Cancer Institute awarded for a total value of G. 10,022,624,640 to the Call for Tender No. 413,349 for the Acquisition of Ontological Medications Enzalutamide 40 Mg. for the Incan and Other Ontological Centers of the MSP and BS. For this tender, offers began to be received on Friday, July 1, 2022.
In the tender that is within the category Medical and Laboratory Equipment, Products and Instruments. Health Assistance Services 2 companies were benefited. The procedure implemented to carry out the call for bids was National Public Bidding.
The call for tender turned out to be suppliers of 2 companies, which were the same to present themselves to the call.
The awarded companies were Profarma SA represented by Cilio Peralta Zarza for a value of G. 6,013,574,784, its participation as supplier represents 60.0% of the total awarded and Quimfa SA represented by Oscar Harrison for a value of 4,009,049,856 with a participation of 40.0 % of the total awarded.
Source: DNCP