The Chamber of Deputies approved this Friday in first reading the bill that authorizes the Executive Power to exceed the thresholds established in Law 340-06, with which the amounts found in the agreements related to the construction of the multiple project would be modified of the prey of great mountain.
The piece had the positive vote of 94 deputies of the 136 who were present; two votes against and 40 deputies abstained from voting. Now it will go to the Executive Power.
According to what is established in the object of the law, the Executive Power would be authorized to exceed the thresholds that are established in the Purchasing and Contracting Law to modify the amounts contemplated in the agreement. contract for Multiple Project Prey of great mountain and Rehabilitation and Completion of the prey of Sabana Yegua.
Similarly, at contract consulting services for the supervision of phase three of the project.
With this bill, the Executive Branch would be authorized to increase the amount established in the contract original of the work of great mountain and the same would be carried out “as long as the object of the contract as the only way to fully satisfy the public interest”, highlights article 3.
The piece was approved in the session of June 14 in the Senate of the Republic and had the favorable vote of 20 of the 28 senators who attended the session.
Within article 4 it is specified that the authorization to modify the amounts contemplated in the agreement of the contract above 25% “established by article 31, numeral 2 of law 340-06, of August 18, 2006, on Purchases and Hiring of Goods, Services and Concessions, and its modifications, as the only way to guarantee the termination of the prey of great mountain“.
“The Executive Branch would be authorized to increase the amount of the contract of consulting services for the supervision works of phase three, of the Multiple Project Prey great mountainabove 50% of the originally agreed amount established by article 3, numeral 4 of Law 340-06″, indicates article 5 on the increase in the contract of consulting services.
Rafael Castillo, deputy of the People’s Force, indicated that the party he represents supports projects that are aimed at the agricultural sector and that “the prey of great mountain It is an important project for the South Region”.
Likewise, it requested the Executive Branch to inform the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies of the amount with which the increase will be authorized.
On his side, the spokesman for the caucus of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Gustavo Sánchez, said that he has observed “the government’s indebtedness levels” and that in his opinion “he sees no reason for more financing to be made.” .