It was recently reported that the WhatsApp of the senator from Santiago, Daniel Rivera, was hacked.
The violation of the congressman’s privacy occurred after noon this Tuesday, where the unscrupulous were requesting money in the name of Senator Rivera, according to the doctor’s senatorial office.
In recent days, not only was the account of the former Minister of Public Health stolen, the following was also added to the list:
You may be interested in reading: Another official with WhatsApp hacked! Chú Vásquez makes the complaint
Jesús “Chú” Vásquez MartínezConsul General of the Dominican Republic in New York.
Through his social networks, the diplomat warned his contacts and the general population to ignore any message coming from his WhatsApp number, especially if money is requested.
Radhames Gonzalezgeneral administrator of the Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA)

The messages, sent from the official’s number, argued that his bank card had been detained by an ATM and that, due to long lines at the bank, he needed urgent help. The amounts requested ranged between 2,000 and 5,000 pesos.
Frank of Los Santosformer director of the Institute for Cooperative Development and Credit (IDECOOP)

De Los Santos warned all his followers through the publication to be attentive to any strange or doubtful messages they receive in his name, until the situation is resolved.
Rafael Santos Badiageneral director of the National Institute of Vocational Technical Training (INFOTEP)

“While the investigation is underway, we urge everyone to be alert to any strange messages or unusual requests they may receive on behalf of Rafael Santos Badía,” the statement reported eight days ago, confirming the illegal action.
Infotep asked citizens to ignore the messages and not share any personal information.
Melanio Paredesformer Minister of Education.

Like other officials and former officials, the unscrupulous request money in the name of the former official and member of the CP of the Dominican Liberation Party.