The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Felix Cherowas presented this Thursday, July 21, at an extraordinary session of the Standing Commission of the Congress of the Republic in order to answer for his statements in which, presumably, he had recommended to the president peter castle close the legislature
In the middle of his presentation, the head of the Minjus expressed his intentions to be part of Parliament in the elections that should take place in 2026 and that he will seek to occupy a seat through popular election.
“I respect this Congress so much that it is one of my aspirations and I announce it —because it is my aspiration and they cannot close that aspiration— that when this Congress completes its five years of democratic election in 2026, with great humility this server will postulate and will be seated exercising a democratic function as you do”, he maintained
Félix Chero responds to the Permanent Commission for the threat to close Congress
“Mr. Félix Inocente Chero Medina, I am writing to you in order to inform you that the Board of Spokespersons, in its session held today, with the waiver of the sanction procedure of the minutes, agreed to invite you to the session that the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Republic will celebrate on Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 12:00 noon. , in order to explain the meaning of his statements in various media about the possibility of recommending an eventual dissolution of Congress”, can be read in the document.
Oversight Commission summons Mariano González, Aníbal Torres and Willy Huerta
The Congress Oversight Commission also meets this Thursday, July 21, starting at 9 in the morning, to listen to the testimonies that motivated the departure of Mariano Gonzales at the Ministry of the Interior (Mininter), by order of the Republic President, peter castleafter he formed a specialized team in the fight against organized crime at the request of the coordinator of the Special Team of Prosecutors against the Corruption of Power, Marita Rivera.
The parliamentary group, led by congressman Héctor Ventura, summoned for this Thursday the President of the Council of Ministers, Hannibal Torres, who must answer for the questions in the removal of González. Likewise, the request extends to the new head of the Ministry, Willy Huertawho will report under what conditions the ruler commissioned him to assume the portfolio in question.