Congresswoman Lady Camones (Alliance for Progress) called for “defend the institutionality”Of the Legislative Power before a motion of censure against its president, María del Carmen Alva (Popular Action), for alleged statements in Spain against the management of Pedro Castillo.
“Defending the institutionality of Congress is as important as defending the governance of the country. I reject the motion of censure filed against María del Carmen Alva, the mechanisms of political control must be used responsibly and when they really merit it”Camones posted on his Twitter account.
The position of the also first vice president of Parliament arises after Guillermo Bermejo (Peru Libre) presented a motion of censure after the versions of the Spanish deputies Antón Gómez Reina and Noemí Villagrasa.
According to the weekly ‘Hildebrandt en sus thirteen’, on his recent trip to Spain, Alva Prieto would have demanded that the deputies of that country “to issue a statement stating that Peru has been captured by communism and that Pedro Castillo is a president who has no legitimacy”.
Consequently, Bermejo Rojas asked to censure the president of Congress for “Affect the principle of separation of powers, non-foreign interference in the internal affairs of Peru and respect for the popular will that has elected President Pedro Catillo Terrones”.
So far, Together for Peru is the only bench that has publicly spoken in favor of the initiative.
For her part, María del Carmen Alva criticized that the journalistic note was based on an audio with the “innuendo”From a Spanish deputy.
“It is totally false that I have requested any mention against the Government of President Castillo. That is inconceivable because we do not accept that anyone comes to tell us what policy we have to approve. We would never ask for an intervention from internationals on our national policy”, He told RPP last Saturday.