Chaining is a process that allows updating and monitoring the price of a scarce good or service or whose source of information has changed, by selecting another similar good or service.
Some of the products that changed in the Inegi methodology did so for a smaller size, showing that the companies could already be applying the reduflation in their presentations.
Downsizing is the reduction in size or quantity of product to keep prices unchanged. It is a legal practice, as long as the amount they are selling you is indicated on the wrapper or container.
Among the products that changed their presentation are products such as Rancheritos, Cheetos, Bimbo bread bag and Bimbuñuelos, Nochebuena cheese, FUD turkey ham, canned Pepsi soft drink, as well as Tía Rosa flour tortillas.
Products such as one-liter bottles of Don Pedro brandy, packs of red Marlboros and Chesterfield, as well as clothing from the Vitos, Aeropostale, Oggi, Oysho, Vertiche and Zara brands were also added.