“We cannot continue to grow in such a chaotic and disorderly way as we have been doing, and that is expressed very crudely in the territory, which implies approving the Law of Territorial Planning”, he expressed Pavel Isa Contrerasafter his swearing in yesterday as the new head of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD).
Isa Contreras served as deputy minister during the two years that Miguel Ceara Hatton was the head of that ministry (2020 to 2022) and gave a quick assessment of the work that has been carried out in the MEPyD to date.
He assured that it is necessary to provide the necessary resources and tools to the central government, local governments and the ministry so that, together, they seek the mechanism for the socioeconomic development of the country to preserve resources to raise the quality of spending.
The greatest challenge for this government, and for all governments, whether in good times or bad, must be that the population feels the growth in their pockets and in the provision of quality public services, he explained.
He argued that “this is the great challenge that lies ahead and that goal is what we will continue to promote from the Ministry.”
“The transformations in development do not happen by themselves, but in a coordinated action, thought out and promoted with continuous and measured monitoring. That is the role of the Ministry of Economy,” said Isa.
He highlighted border issues and the work for the National Population and Housing Census, to document the needs and priorities of citizens, which was announced for November of this year.
He indicated that it is time to guide how far one wants to go with cooperation issues, clearly identifying the objectives and characteristics for which cooperation is required. In this sense, he spoke about non-profit associations, which must be treated with tact.