Last April, 35 projects were approved for public investmentfor a cumulative total of 90 projects between January-April, this being the year with the highest number of projects approved since 2017, for that period, reported the General Directorate of Public investment of the Ministry of Economy.
The total cost of the projects approved in April was 8,433.8 million pesos, for a total of 77,400.5 million pesos, “the highest amount approved in the last five years,” indicates the entity.
In a recently published document, it indicates that 45.5% of the projects approved between January and April correspond to the central government (41 projects), followed by the municipal governments, to which 26 projects were approved. Similarly, the highest cost is the central government projects for an amount of 72,702.3 million pesos.
63% of the projects approved in April correspond to the housing and community services function (22). The cost analysis of the projects shows that the highest amount approved corresponds to the General Administration function with 3,912.6 million pesos (47% of the total amount approved).
For the January-April period, 42% of the approved projects correspond to housing and community services (27 projects) and 20% to sports, recreational, cultural and religious activities (13 projects). Regarding the total cost of the projects, 78.8% will be allocated to the health sector.
Of the 35 projects approved in April, six were in the Independencia province, representing the largest number of projects approved by location, followed by Bahoruco (5), Barahona (4), the National District and Santo Domingo with three projects each. The remainder is distributed among 11 provinces in the country.
For its part, 40.3% of the approved amount is a project with a national scope for institutional strengthening in support of the transparency agenda, while 25.5% will benefit the province of Santiago, for the supply of drinking water and transportation.
For the January-April period, San Cristóbal represents the province with the largest number of approved projects (12), followed by the National District (9), Santiago and Independencia with seven approved projects each. Since January, Santiago occupies the place with the highest total cost of approved projects, representing 50% between January-April.