Santo Domingo.- The President Luis Abinader and the vice president Raquel Peña They headed on Thursday the fortieth eighth meeting of the Council of Ministerswhich had as aim main to pass balance to the ten great goals of the Government Planestablished for 2028.
The Information They were released by the Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Bución, after finishing the meeting in the Presidential Palace.
“This first AÑ Ministers CouncilOr, it was a follow-up meeting to the Government Plan, specifically to the prioritized goals for this four-year period 2024-2028, as agreed in our past Council in the month of November, ”explained Minister Beich.
The goals prioritized by the Government By 2028 they are: improve life expectancy at birth, reduce the homicide rate, increase the quality infrastructure index, raise the weight of the middle class In the population, increase andL GDP per capitaincrease the formality rate in employment, Raise the average effective years of learning, reduce the rural multidimensional poverty rate, raise the percentage of households with index of Vulnerability to climatic clashes (IVACC) Bajo, and raise the government effectiveness index.
During the meeting, the implementation of the Compliance unitswhich will serve as a companion of the different public institutions to ensure the achievement of the established objectives, by the hand of Tony Blair Institute, which has shown important results internationally.
In it meeting a new system of Institutional performance evaluationwhich also measures the quality of the Agreement Management to satisfaction and direct impact on citizens.
“This methodology comes to break a Paradigm in the countrysince the indicators to determine the level of performance will not be internal factors of the same institutions only, but will have more rigorous parameters Based on the satisfaction of the people and the fulfillment of the goals drawn, ”explained the minister.

As technical secretary of the Council of Ministers, Palizo said that “the Government is immersed in a process of strengthening its evaluation mechanisms to guarantee measurable results that are evident in the improvement of the quality of life of all Dominicans ”.