Costa Rica expresses its concern about political prisoners and the press in Nicaragua

38 violations of press freedom in the last three months in Nicaragua

In the last quarterly report, Voces del Sur, through the Foundation for Freedom of Expression and Democracy (FLED), documented a total of 14 alerts of cases of violations of press freedom, which resulted in 38 cases. On that occasion, all the repressive actions fell on natural persons.

Of the attackers against journalists, 27 are state-owned (National Assembly), four non-state (banks) and seven parastatals (sympathizers of the Ortega regime).

Related news: Calidh denounces that in Nicaragua “freedom of the press is suppressed”

One of the cases of attacks on journalists, reported by Voces del Sur, was the one that occurred on January 3, 2023, in which sympathizers of the Sandinista Front party harassed and intimidated the photographer of an international news agency.

The photographer reported, on condition of anonymity, that the political secretary of the Sandinista party in the neighborhood where he lives showed up at the house of one of his relatives to summon him for a meeting.

38 violations of press freedom in the last three months in Nicaragua

“The meeting was to talk about his relatives who were involved in politics. The questions were related to me and my sister, about our work, they also asked details of our parents’ house, “said the photojournalist.

He also said that the sympathizer of the regime asked his relative if he could be the channel of communication with them, because they needed them to “collaborate on certain issues and for both to appear in the Presidency.”

“The photojournalist asserted that the political secretary now shows up once a month at her relative’s house to question her, consequently, he had to leave his home to take refuge in a safe house,” the report detailed.

Further forced exile and banishment

In the face of Ortega’s repressive wave, the organization pointed out that, in the first quarter of 2023, seven journalists were forced into exile, thus accounting for a total of 185 press men and women who have left Nicaragua from 2018 to date.

It also condemned the exile —on February 9— of 222 former Nicaraguan politicians, including journalists, executives and other media workers. They also repudiated the withdrawal of the nationality of another 94 people, where there are at least 10 communicators.

Related news: Voces del Sur denounces the breach of freedom of expression and press in Nicaragua

On the other hand, the report denounces the illegal seizure of property, the freezing of bank accounts, refusals to pay pensions, and other coercive measures denounced by the victims.

“It is important to show that several of the people affected by these resolutions have publicly demanded an explanation from the competent authorities, without this happening,” added Voces del Sur.

Daniel Ortega, among the
Daniel Ortega, among the “predators of press freedom” in the world. Photo: Internet.

Regarding the freezing of bank accounts after the seizure of nationality from journalists and opponents, Voces del Sur stressed the “deep silence” that the banks have maintained after the repressive measure of the Ortega and Murillo regime.

“We regret the” sepulchral “and complacent silence that the banking entities that have frozen the accounts of journalists and other citizens have maintained, to date they have not ruled or presented the legal documents of this type of process,” he denounced.

Greater repression against the media

The report also denounced the implicit threat position made by the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo against the media that reported on the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Vatican.

«(…) The government – of Ortega – through a press release published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the media of promoting false news. What is contradictory in the case is that the same government accepted the “suspension of relations” with the Holy See”, he remarked.

Related news: Voces del Sur registers the exile of more journalists due to the Ortega persecution

They recalled that in the official statement, the Nicaraguan authorities warned that “providing this news counts as ‘one more on your account’, a clear threat against the work of independent journalists and media.”

Despite the seriousness and consequences of all the events described in the report, Voces del Sur affirmed that the attacks and attacks have not decimated the work of independent media and journalists, “who have woven ties of solidarity and strength to cope with all the “ramming” of the Nicaraguan government».

«Nicaragua has and will have quality independent journalism. To practice this profession beyond buildings and equipment; delivery, willingness and commitment are required; qualities that have been demonstrated by the women and men of the press, who over the past five years have courageously exercised their profession, despite the permanent hostility of the Sandinista government,” she concluded.

The dictatorship’s onslaught against independent journalism increased last Easter. The organization denounced the recent arrest of journalist Víctor Ticay. The Police transferred him to “El Nuevo Chipote” in Managua. So far there is no formal accusation against him.

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