$180,000 bonus: who can access this Minvu subsidy before June 28

He Rental Subsidy is financial aid provided by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (Minvu) of Chile, intended to support families in paying their rent. This subsidy is designed to alleviate the financial burden of renting, allowing families to have more resources for other essential needs. The program has a limited number of places per region, making it crucial that interested parties apply before the deadline of June 28, 2024.

The monthly amount of the subsidy for living place varies between 4.2 and 4.9 UF, which is approximately equivalent to between $157,565 and $183,826, depending on the region in which the applicant is located. This support extends for a period of 24 months, providing significant and sustained help for beneficiary families. To access this subsidy, it is necessary to have a minimum savings of 4 UF (about $148,488) and ensure that the cost of the rental does not exceed 11 UF or 13 UF, also depending on the region.

Rental Subsidy | Source: Unsplash

The application process for Rental Subsidy It can be done both in person and online. To apply online, interested parties must access the Minvu website, log in with their RUN and ClaveÚnica, and complete the application form. For those who prefer to apply in person, you must gather the necessary documents and go to the Serviu office in your region. In both cases, the application is completed by submitting all the required documents.

Rental Subsidy | Source: Unsplash

This subsidy is available to people who meet certain requirements established by Minvu. These requirements include being over 18 years of age and having a valid identification card. Additionally, applicants must apply with their spouse, partner or child, although this requirement does not apply to people over 60 years of age. It is also necessary to be registered in 70% of the Social Household Registry and have a minimum savings of 4 UF in a housing account in the name of the applicant or his or her partner.

Besides requirements mentioned, applicants must have a family income that ranges between 7 and 25 UF. This income bracket ensures that the subsidy reaches families who really need it, those who have moderate income but not enough to cover all essential expenses without help. It is essential that applicants ensure they meet all of these criteria before applying.

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