Home South AmericaChile $180,000 bonus: who can access this Minvu subsidy before June 28

$180,000 bonus: who can access this Minvu subsidy before June 28

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$180,000 bonus: who can access this Minvu subsidy before June 28

He Rental Subsidy is financial aid provided by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (Minvu) of Chile, intended to support families in paying their rent. This subsidy is designed to alleviate the financial burden of renting, allowing families to have more resources for other essential needs. The program has a limited number of places per region, making it crucial that interested parties apply before the deadline of June 28, 2024.

The monthly amount of the subsidy for living place varies between 4.2 and 4.9 UF, which is approximately equivalent to between $157,565 and $183,826, depending on the region in which the applicant is located. This support extends for a period of 24 months, providing significant and sustained help for beneficiary families. To access this subsidy, it is necessary to have a minimum savings of 4 UF (about $148,488) and ensure that the cost of the rental does not exceed 11 UF or 13 UF, also depending on the region.

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