Through his social networks, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the candidate Rodolfo Hernández said that he will continue the race for the Presidency autonomously and independently.
This is how he responded to the recent criticism from some sectors after the announcements by Uribismo to support him for the second presidential round.
“Every day they will say that I am a Uribista, others will say that I am a Petrista, others will say that I am neutral (…) now that I have the opportunity to be the one who represents the interests of Colombians, the Petristas are saying that I belong to the Uribismo, or that we are going to make an alliance with Fico Gutiérrez”, said Hernández, noting that he communicated with former candidate Federico Gutiérrez to thank him for his support in the run-up to the presidential election.
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Hernández acknowledged that he has criminal proceedings pending, but assured that the politicians built them to prevent him from governing when he was mayor of Bucaramanga.
“I receive the votes, but I do not change the speech, we receive all those who want to support us. The speech is not to steal, not to lie to them, not to betray the voters and a small modification in the criminal code so that all the thieves who have robbed Colombia have a punishment in prisons”, said the engineer.
Hernández pointed out that his only objective in reaching the Casa de Nariño is to generate happiness for all Colombians.
“My only alliance is with the Colombian people, to be able to generate happiness for that large mass of Colombians who are having a hard time, for women heads of households, for middle-class people and for employees (…) that they make ends meet. rather, let the talk reach them,” he said.
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For the engineer, the real change is not leaving them in the government and he appointed congressmen Armando Benedetti, Piedad Córdoba and Roy Barreras.
“Zero alliances, zero Uribe, zero Petro, zero all. We are going to work with the Colombians, I swore to be independent and until now we remain independent (…) I don’t want politicians, they ruined Colombia and I can’t invite them back to the governmentHernandez said.
The engineer and former mayor of Bucaramanga made a call to collect the votes he needs to win at the polls on June 19 and reach the presidency of Colombia.
“The mandate is clear 12 million votes by June 19 to reach the Presidency (…) I need you to help me, I put my enthusiasm, my team,” said Hernández.