karelim lopez Y Zamir Villaverde they took advantage of effective collaboration and seem to contradict each other. But the first thing to clarify is that they do not have the same lawyer, so they have different defense strategies.
López’s lawyer is the experienced criminal Cesar Nakazaki and that of Villaverde, the media criminal Julio Rodríguez. The two lawyers want the vacancy of the president peter castle from the crimes he would have committed. That is also important to note.
The other thing is that Zamir Villaverde is under arrest, for what Karelim López declared. Villaverde accepted effective collaboration pressured by López’s statement, so there is some enmity between the two.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo: “I have never met Karelim López at Sarratea’s house”
However, the lobbyist businesswoman Karelim López accepted effective collaboration before the prosecutor Light Taquire for an alleged crime of money laundering that he would have committed, he says, upon receiving a payment from the Termirex company, that it was part of a consortium that Provías Descentralizado was awarded the bid for the construction of a bridge over the Huallaga River.
Before giving that statement, López approached the prosecutor Karla Zecenarrobut He denied having committed any act of corruption in his dealings with the public administration of President Pedro Castillo.
He pointed out that according to what he had been told by former Secretary of the Presidency Bruno Pacheco, President Pedro Castillo, the now fugitive former Minister of Transport and Communications Juan Silva and six congressmen from Acción Popular they would have constituted a criminal organization to benefit from the State.
YOU CAN SEE: Karelim López confirms that President Pedro Castillo leads a criminal organization
In his story, Lopez pointed out that Villaverde threatened her with death because his statement would put at risk the business of the aforementioned organization with Chinese companies that received millionaire contracts from the State.
López’s statement in effective collaboration before the money laundering prosecutor’s office was disclosed to the public, so, upon learning of it, Prosecutor Karla Zecenarro initiated another investigation for corruption crimes, including Zamir Villaverde.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo would have received more than S / 100,000 from Karelim López, according to Zamir Villaverde
This generated two processes. Until that moment, Villaverde also denied having participated in acts of corruption and remained free.
The matter changed when, faced with López’s public statements, Zecenarro managed to get the Judiciary to order the arrest of Bruno Pacheco, public officials, Termirex directors and related characters.
López’s public statement landed Villaverde in prison. Only after being deprived of his freedom, this businessman requests to benefit from effective collaboration before the prosecutor for corruption cases.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo rejects audios between Juan Silva and Zamir Villaverde on payment of bribes in the MTC
Karla Zecenarro listens to him, processes his collaboration, but still leaves him in prison. It must be said that just like lawyers, prosecutors also have their strategies.
In the anti-corruption system, the prosecutors’ line of action says that an aspiring effective collaborator must receive benefits in the end. In money laundering They believe that the benefits are granted from the first day and that is why Karelim López remains free.
Seeing himself in prison, Villaverde gives another account of the same events. He agrees with López about the existence of a criminal organization, but says it was aimed at favoring Chinese companies that supported the presidential campaign.
YOU CAN SEE: The plot of corruption that corners Pedro Castillo
But once again, Villaverde does not know the facts directly, but through Pacheco and Fray Castillo, characters who are fugitives from justice.
Who tells the truth and who lies? The Prosecutor must clarify it.
YOU CAN SEE: Karelim López: Daughter and husband of a businesswoman are investigated for money laundering
The Prosecutor’s Office and what the collaborators want
Through the networks, the lawyer César Nakazaki has said that they have declared before the prosecutor Karla Zecenarro without any conditioning and insinuates that Zamir Villaverde is lying to get out of prison.
Nakazaki made this precision after it transpired that Villaverde stated that Lopez made payments to President Castillo at the Government Palace and Sarratea’s house. Aspects that she always denied.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo would have received more than S / 100,000 from Karelim López, according to Zamir Villaverde
He then added that the investigation of President Castillo is in danger due to Villaverde’s eagerness to get out of prison. This means that Villaverde would be lying.
The point is that If what Villaverde says to prosecutor Zecenarro is proven, Karelim Lopez will not have effective collaboration. The same will happen if the opposite happens. Hence the competence of both collaborators.