Banco Estado has implemented an excellent measure by enabling the platform “you didn’t charge it“, which allows people to see if they have bonuses or benefits pending collection. Sometimes, it is easy to forget to periodically check if we are recipients of state initiatives.
For this reason, the bank has created this new tool that facilitates inquiries quickly and easily. “You did not collect it” is a web page that allows Banco Estado users to verify if they are beneficiaries of any bondsubsidy or other state contribution, which must be claimed at the branch closest to your home in case you have any pending benefits.
The bonds that can be reviewed on the website include the Guaranteed Minimum Income Subsidy, the Emergency Family Income (IFE), the Family Aid Bonus, the Covid Bonus, the Junaeb Scholarships, the Single Family Subsidy, the Family Allowance and the Pension Universal Guaranteed.
To check if you are a beneficiary of a bond, you must enter the Banco Estado website and go to the section that says “you didn’t charge it“. There a list will be displayed with the bonuses and contributions that you can consult. Once inside, you will be asked to enter your RUT and to identify the images that appear in the “I am not a robot” captcha. Finally, when entering, the The platform will automatically tell you if you have any contributions to collect.
The initiative “you didn’t charge it” of Banco Estado is available throughout the year, so you can consult without problems by entering the portal at any time. This tool provides comfort and ease so that people can be aware of the benefits that correspond to them and can make them effective timely manner.