Havana Cuba. – “No one is going to break me, I already said it back there in prison,” says activist Yeilis Torres Cruz during an interview with CubaNet a few days after the one year anniversary of his entry into prison for summon the official spokesman Humberto López on public roads.
Last Thursday, April 21, Torres Cruz exonerated of criminal charges after 10 months in prison. However, she was fined 3,000 pesos for the incident.
“When I was released [el 4 de marzo de 2022] I came out with a change of measure. They gave me bail and kept me under house arrest. After a month or so, on Thursday [21 de abril de 2022] I was quoted for 100 and Aldabó [Unidad Territorial de Investigaciones del Ministerio del Interior] and they gave me freedom. They informed me that I did not have to go to trial or face criminal charges,” explained the activist from the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU).
Torres Cruz also said that his stay in prison was very “sad and painful.” However, he assures that despite being behind bars and in the hands of the Cuban regime, he grew stronger as a person.
“In prison, the repression, the physical and mental torture against opposition activists is great, it is inhumane. They do not respect sleep, they do not respect that you feel bad, that you have pain, they [los carceleros] They don’t respect anything,” he lamented.
According to Torres Cruz, prison officials use common prisoners to attack activists with the intention of involving them in outbursts and prosecuting them for other crimes.
“There are inmates that the guards throw at you so that they look for problems for you and open another cause for you inside the prison. The guards want to go over you and do not respect any rights; there does not even exist the right to sleep, they go in to do a search at 2:00 in the morning as well as at 3:00.”
According to the opposition, “these searches were only carried out in the galleys where there were opponents or protesters of July 11,” she explained.
The interviewee also describes her 10 months in prison as “hard times” for her family.
“That in the child’s school they told him ‘Your mother is in prison’ in a mocking tone, that they make him bullying… that hurts. My children suffered greatly from my incarceration,” he lamented.
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