The Special Police Investigations Brigade of the Investigative Police (PDI), confirmed that they found alive the woman who remained missing after being kidnapped in the district of Providencia last Saturday, July 2.
According to preliminary information provided by TVN, the victim herself called -by her own means- her family, announcing that she was in the commune of San Bernardo. From the PDI they reported that the woman was in good health.
Meanwhile, the authorities continue with the proceedings to find the whereabouts of those responsible for the crime and the East Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the case, but refused to provide background information on the case pending more information.
It should be noted that the incident occurred at 8:30 p.m. last Saturday, when a group of between six and eight subjects arrived at the Sweet World pastry shop, located in Vicuña Mackenna, with the aim of stealing a man’s cell phone and a woman who served the premises.
At that moment, those responsible tried to get the victims into a vehicle, but were unable to take the man away; but yes to the woman, the one who was taken by force to an unknown destination. Neighbors of the sector reported that the protagonists of the event escaped at high speed and against traffic.
It is expected that during the next few days, the Investigative Police will provide more information on the details of the incident and those responsible for it, who are still at large.