This Wednesday afternoon Serge Massa will have its first meeting with the main mass consumption companies in the country, as part of the strategies it develops to control price escalation.
The Minister of Economy will talk with business representatives about the situation in terms of prices, since, especially, food has had significant increases in recent months, on which, Serge Massa seeks to put more control.
At the meeting, Serge Massa He will be accompanied by the Secretary of Internal Trade, Matías Tombolini, who days ago indicated that new and better agreements will be sought with businessmen that take into account the current needs of Argentine households.
This will be the first formal meeting with the mass consumption companies, after the changes in the government cabinet. Representatives from Arcor, Molinos Río de la Plata, Mastellone, Unilever, Quilmes, Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola were invited to the meeting.
Although the focus will be centered on inflation, they will also address issues such as the import of supplies for the industry, the impact of the new labeling law, as well as the growth of logistics costs.
This, in order to know the needs and the reality of the industry and, from there, establish strategies that can be lasting over time and that allow generating greater stability in the prices of the basic food basket.
The meeting will take place at 4:00 p.m. at the Ministry of Economy and will be present, on behalf of the Government, in addition to the Economy Minister and the Secretary of Internal Commerce, the president of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce, to analyze the impact of increases in interest rates for companies.
Matías Tombolini will meet with COPAL representatives
Prior to the meeting with mass consumption companies, Matías Tombolini will meet for the first time with representatives of the Coordination of Food Products Industries (COPAL), the chamber that brings together more than 10,000 food and beverage companies.
With them, the secretary will evaluate the problem of the price increase, which, according to the private consulting firm LCG, has risen to 6.6% in the last four weeks, so they will analyze the situation in order to guarantee that the agreement is respected. that has been signed with the Care Prices program.