Likewise, for the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) it is expected to allocate 20,282 million pesos, while for the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 47,659 million pesos, in this regard the rector of this house of studies, Enrique Graue Wiechers pointed out that the budget contemplated It will allow him to continue fulfilling his substantive tasks of teaching, research and extension of culture.
“A budget for education will never be enough,” he said to an express question, and he trusted that the Legislative Power will be sensitive to the needs of the National University, for which he pointed out that these resources will allow the institution to continue with the growth planned and finish works in progress.
educational spending
In general, for the Education branch, an expense of 402,300 million pesos is expected, 5.1% more in real terms than that approved for 2022, with which it seeks to strengthen the operation of the following programs:
– Youth Writing the Futurewhich will benefit students enrolled in a public institution of higher education who meet the requirements established by the program, to access, stay and complete their undergraduate studies.