They are known as super resistant and their characteristics are still being studied, so it cannot be guaranteed that they will not be infected.
After two years of pandemic for COVID-19 and before the regrowth that the world experienced due to the omicron variant, there are still people who are called ‘undefeated’. They are those who in all this time have not contracted the virus.
For what is this? Well, there are factors, although it cannot be determined that they will never contract the virus.
Immune response and T cells
A research published in the journal Nature suggests that the immune response of some humans who have not been exposed to virus they could have some similarities with the viral pathogen. In a sample of 68 healthy adults who had no covid One of the great findings of this research was evidenced: 35% had T cells in their blood that were reactive to the virus.
“The T cells were probably acquired in previous infections with endemic coronaviruses. (…). The activation of this memory of T cells corresponding to another similar infection to respond to a new infection is called “cross-reactivity,” the researchers explained.
When reactivate T cells the immune system might have had some previous experience fighting a similar infection and can use that memory to help fight a new infection.
Immunity under constant study
In a July 2021 study details the possibility that a percentage of the population appears to have immune cells that are able to recognize parts of the new coronavirus, and that could possibly have given them an advantage in fighting infection. In other words, some people may haveSome unknown degree of protection.
“What we found is that of the people who had never been exposed to SARS Cov2 … about half had some T-cell reactivity,” study co-author Alessandro Sette, from the Center for Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Research, told CNN. at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology, United States. (AVV)