In an effort to modernize and optimize the healthcare system, the implementation of electronic prescriptions is becoming a priority. Starting January 1, 2025, paper prescriptions will be replaced by electronic recipesmarking a significant milestone in the digitalization of health services.
The transition to electronic prescription Not only does it involve a change in the way medications are prescribed and dispensed, but it also represents a key technological advance that promises to improve efficiency and safety in healthcare.
The technology that supports electronic prescribing includes medical information management systems, secure communication platforms and mobile applications that facilitate interaction between doctors, patients and pharmacies.
These technological solutions have been developed with the aim of creating an efficient and safe workflow, ensuring that every step of the medication prescribing and dispensing process is accurately monitored and recorded.
One of the key components of this technology is the electronic prescription system (e-prescription), which allows doctors to generate and send prescriptions digitally to pharmacies. This system is integrated with electronic health records (EHR), allowing physicians to access their patients’ complete medication history, detect potential drug interactions, and avoid common errors associated with paper prescriptions..
The electronic prescription significantly reduces medication errors by eliminating the need to interpret doctors’ handwriting. Electronic prescribing systems alert physicians to potential drug interactions, allergies, and other contraindications, improving patient safety.
Digitizing the prescribing process allows doctors to send prescriptions directly to pharmacies, eliminating the need for patients to physically carry paper prescriptions. This speeds up the medication dispensing process and reduces waiting times.
The electronic recipes They are stored in a centralized database, making it easier for health professionals to access information. Doctors can view their patients’ prescription history at any time, improving continuity of care.
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