Home North AmericaMexico When does the next Women with Wellbeing payment fall in 2024?

When does the next Women with Wellbeing payment fall in 2024?

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When does the next Women with Wellbeing payment fall in 2024?

When does the Women with Wellbeing program resume?

Juan Carlos González Romero, Secretary of Welfare of the State of Mexico, pointed out at the time that the support payment of 2,500 pesos every two monthsfor the Women with Wellbeing Program, among other social programs, would resume in July.

It is worth remembering that, in February, a payment of 7,500 pesos was made, equivalent to the first three two months of the year, for the beneficiaries of the program. Therefore, the next two-month period to pay will be July-August. The fifth payment of the year will be for the months of September-October and the sixth and last payment of the year will be for November-December.

read: Welfare payments are back

Consult the Women with Wellbeing folio

If you lost or forgot your folio number, just you must enter this page and give your cell phone number to recover it. Once the system gives it to you, you will be able to check how your registration in the Edomex program is going.

Are there new records?

At the moment, the call for new registrations for Mujeres con Bienestar is not open.

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