The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) began its payment schedule for the month of April last Friday. Pensioners, retirees and beneficiaries of social allowances will begin to collect this week according to the completion of the National Identity Document (DNI).
According the organismthe first to collect last week were the holders of Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC) up to IDs ending in 0 and 1. While The beneficiaries of this program ANSES with documents ending in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be charged from Monday 4 to Thursday 7respectively.
For its part, the ANSES informed that as of Tuesday 5, the beneficiaries of the Unemployment Program 2 and 3 will begin to collect. This plan will be paid for all DNI terminations from April 5 to 11.
On Wednesday 6, the administration directed by Fernanda Raverta will include in the April schedule the beneficiaries of the Single Payment for Allowances for marriage, adoption and birth. This group, like those of the unemployment fund, will charge without following an order for DNI termination, but they will do so from this month until May.
Payment dates of the Single Payment
- The first fortnight of the Single Payment will be made from April 6 to May 11.
- The second fortnight of the Single Payment will be paid from April 25 to May 11.
While, On Friday the 8th, it is the turn of retirees and pensioners with minimum contributions and the holders of Non-Contributory Pension Family Allowances to be charged.. The latter will receive their subsidies from April 8 to May 11 without following the order of completion of the DNI.
While heRetirement contributions will be deposited from April 8 to 22; however, during these two weeks, only the assets of those who earn less than $36,676 per month will be deposited.