Between March 16 and March 22, Gustavo’s government Petereither settled in the Congress of the Republic two of its most important projects: pension and labor reforms.
(See: Pension reform: most important proposals of the project).
With these projects, which go hand in hand, the Government plans to change the way work is done in the country and the current pension system.
So, already established, What is the path they must follow to make them a reality? We explain.
Alejandro Toca, professor of Public Administration at the Grancolombiano Polytechnic, asserted that the next step for the reforms labor and pension is to spend 8 debates in Congress as follows:
(See: These are the changes of the labor reform established in Congress).
– A debate in the Seventh Committee of the Senate and another in the same Committee of the House of Representatives
– Debate in the Senate Plenary and another in the Plenary of the Chamber.
– Return to the Commission seventhto Senate and House for a debate in each.
– Go back to plenary of each corporation for a debate in each one.
According to the professor touches, the first two debates should take place in April. The next four, in May. And in June they should be the two finals in the plenary sessions of the Senate and Chamber.
(See: Petro’s first major defeat: they withdraw the political reform bill).
“If all goes well, the reforms should be ready in June 2023, before the end of the legislative year“said the expert.
Asked if it is possible for the reform debates to speed up, Toca considered that it would not be recommended: “The labor and pension reforms are very important, delicate, and striving to discuss them can be a problem. The Government, I believe, will try to take them calmly and thus strengthen the alliances it has formed“.
Professor Toca also recalled that these reforms, together with the health reform, are only a small group of projects that the Government has filed. According to his accounts, There are already 31 initiatives: 15 were filed in 2022 and 16 so far in 2023.
(See: Final short list to choose manager of the Federation of Coffee Growers).
“President Petro, since he took office, has always said that he wants his most important reforms to materialize in his first year of government. If he doesn’t make it by June 2023, he will have to wait longer and his influence in the October regional elections could drop.“, said.
Are reform and bill the same?
To clarify a few more points, Toca explained that A reform is a legislative act that seeks to modify laws that already exist, As in the case of the pension and labor reforms, they would change the current retirement system and the Substantive Labor Code, respectively.
While a bill”It is more related to the day-to-day life of Colombians and they are, on paper, new initiatives that do not have a precedent.“.
(See: Approved in the first debate the National Development Plan).
Regarding debates, the reforms require 8, while the bills require 4 (commission of the corporation in which it is located, plenary of said corporation and then commission and plenary of the other corporation).
And both, he said, could modify articles of the Constitution, if deemed appropriate, and heace reforms are more related to the so-called statutory laws and the bills with the ordinary laws.
“To understand it better, the statutory laws are processed on fundamental rights and duties, specific issues. Ordinary laws are on more general issues,” Toca closed.