The government declared 2025 as the “Year of recovery and consolidation of the Peruvian economy.”
In the Supreme Decree published in the Legal Standards bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano, it is established that during the year 2025, the aforementioned phrase will be recorded in official documents.
What does this statement mean and what are its main objectives?
The standard states that in the Multiannual Macroeconomic Framework 2025-2028 approved in the Council of Ministers session on August 21, 2024, it is projected that economic growth for the year 2025 will be sustained by the greater dynamism of domestic demand associated with the greater investments and the improvement of private consumption in an environment of low inflation, favorable financing conditions and the consolidation of the improvement in the expectations of economic agents.
The Supreme Decree states that the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan 2024 – 2030″, It has nine priority objectives for the coming years:
– Provide the country with quality economic and social infrastructure.
-Strengthen human capital.
-Generate the development of capabilities for innovation, adoption and transfer
of technological improvements.
-Promote local and external financing mechanisms,
– Create the conditions for a dynamic and competitive labor market for the generation of decent employment.
-Generate the conditions to develop a productive business environment.
-Facilitate the conditions for foreign trade of goods and services.
-Strengthen the country’s institutions.
-Promote environmental sustainability in the operation of economic activities.
The Supreme Decree indicates that State Policies of the National Agreement constitute the affirmation of the social market economy, whose objective is to achieve human development.
and solidarity of the country through sustained economic growth with social equity and employment; and the search for competitiveness, productivity and formalization of economic activity, whose objective is to promote access to quality education, a favorable and stable political and legal climate for private investment as well as for public and private management, as well as achieve the formalization of economic activities and relations at all levels.
Therefore, the DS points out, it is a priority for the State to continue providing and guaranteeing the conditions that allow the recovery and consolidation of the economy in all areas.
productive sectors, in a context of institutional strengthening and social peace, in which investments and macroeconomic stability are guaranteed, in line with the projections for the year 2025.
It is also established that the Ministry of Culture will carry out the translation of the name
from the year 2025 to the corresponding indigenous or native languages, for use in the districts, provinces and departments according to the Ethnolinguistic Map of Peru.
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