Economic spill of the Mexican GP 2022
According to the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), the 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix of Formula 1 (F1) will leave an economic spill of 15,536 million 705 thousand pesos.
The head of the local unit, Fadlala Akabani Hneide, pointed out that Mexico City continues to be the national venue par excellence for the most important events worldwide, so this year F1 contributes to consolidating the economic recovery, since with commercial activities operating 100% and with full capacity, the profits recorded last year will be exceeded by 12% (almost 2 billion pesos).
“The economic benefit of the Grand Prix will be composed mainly of ticket sales, for 4 thousand 731 million 264 thousand pesos; 7 thousand 236 million for coverage, transmission and media; tourist services for one thousand 369 million 341 thousand; sale of articles and souvenirs thousand 568 million; for food and beverages inside the Autodromo and nearby areas 199 million 500 thousand; hotel activity 264 million 600 thousand, and profits from transportation services will be 168 million ”he indicated.
Tourism and hotel occupancy
The head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), Miguel Torruco Marqués, indicated that an average hotel occupancy rate of 77.2% is estimated, which is equivalent to 121,204 occupied rooms.
He pointed out that in terms of lodging, an economic spill of 251 million pesos is expected, this is around 12.5 million dollars, and the spill for tourist services is calculated at 2 thousand 758 million pesos, approximately 137 million dollars. .
Torruco Marqués highlighted that during the days of the event an average capacity of 375 thousand spectators is expected, being the second venue with the most attendance in 2021, only below Austin, Texas (420 thousand). He mentioned that in 2019, 348,000 fans attended and last year, 371,799.