Since its creation in 1980, the National Institute of Professional Technical Training (Infotep) is consolidated as the rector of the training Professional technique of the country, with international recognition and validation.
Through this entity, thousands of youths That for various reasons they could not enter the university they have had the opportunity to train in a trade, work and earn sustenance. It is also a center of training Continuous, used by companies that require your staff to acquire skills to perform a better job and for those who, independently seek a second opportunity to perform in new trades or to improve in their productive areas.
To measure the level of insertion labor of their graduateshe Infotep Choose a sample of the graduates from two and three years to evaluate what they achieved after training.
He “Study of impact of the training The most recent technique was the one carried out last year, in which a sample of 1,044 students of the 2021 and 2022 promotions of the modalities was analyzed: dual training, continuous training in the center, technical teachers, itinerary (full output) and occupational validation .
Is extracted primarily in that study that, of the amount of 1,044 students, 612 were working when taking the training and 432 were unemployed, of that amount only 4.1 % were looking for employmentthe rest (37.3 %) said I was concentrated in the studies.
At the end of the training45 % of the unemployed (193) reported that he had achieved a employment or created a Entrepreneurship With what has been learned. This percentage being the occupation rate for that promotion.
From another perspective, before training 58.6 % had a job, after training the occupation level of that promotion increased to 77.1 %.
70.7 % of graduates reported that they were exercising their technical career and 52 % of those who were already working perceived economic improvements after exhausting their training process in the Infotep.
It should be noted that a technical career in Infotep It lasts for six months up to two years, depending on the modality and type of training. In addition, students do not have to make any payment.
How fast do they get work?
In it study The time it takes for the graduate was also taken into account to insert itself into the market labor. 26.9 % got employment “At once” and 9.8 % were already working at the end of their studies. In addition, 6.8 % found job In a week and 8.3 % it took between a month and two months.
However, 13.3 % took a year and 3.7 % took two years to get employment.
In general, the distribution indicates that, although many find employment quickly, a significant proportion faces a more prolonged search period, which highlights the variability in the time it takes job After graduation.
70.7 % of graduates who work reported that they were exercising the training technique they received.
Improvement opportunity
Infotep support. 16.4 % of graduates received help from the institution to obtain their current job or create their business, while 83.6 % did not receive such assistance. “This distribution indicates that, although Infotep offers support to some of their graduates, a large majority did not benefit from this service when entering the labor market or undertaking, which suggests an opportunity to increase the scope and effectiveness of the programs Professional support offered by the institution, “says the study prepared by the Directorate of Planning and Development of the Infotep.
¿Where do they work?
The investigation revealed that, after completing the technical career, 46 % of the respondents worked in private companies, followed by a 21 % who work on their own, 7.4 % as an employee or worker of the government, while 0.2 % works in a family business without remuneration and 0.1 % are an employer.
However, 25.7 % said they were unemployed and some reasons are:
- They look employment And they don’t find;
- He market It does not pay well;
- Company closure;
- It has not been motivated to look for employment;
- You want to work independently;
- Some indicate that for health reasons;
- Others because they are focused on studies.
¿How much do they win?
As for salaries (in pesos), 34.9 % earn between 15,001 to 25 thousand, 50.8 % between 25,001 and 55 thousand pesos. The income below 15 thousand represents 7.1 %, while the highest, 55,001 to 100 thousand or more, constitute 5.6 %.
Occupations that graduates perform in formal work
During the lifting of the data that was in March 2024, it was identified that the Occupations more highlights who played the graduates They are: mechanical, hairdresser, nurse, seller, electricians, car painter, welder, stylist and secretary.
Improvements achieved by graduates after their training
The graduates surveyed said they have had Improvements After his trainingamong them they can be mentioned: improvement in salary; They set him in the position; promotion in your job; ease to continue studies; creation of your own business, among others.
The graduates of the Infotep They have managed to undertake with the skills acquired through technical careers. It should be noted that 612 graduates who were working before starting the technical course, 106 managed to create their business. Another 18 participants combined their formal works with ventures for a total of 124.
36.3 % of these already had an established business, and 14.5 % undertook one at once, 5.6 % took a week, while the rest took from a month up to five years to create their Entrepreneurship.
94.4 % of graduates who have their business provide services nationwide, while 4.8 % correspond to both levels and, finally, 0.8 % internationally.
Training vs demand
To mention 10, the areas in which the most certified the graduates of the 2021-2022 period were: Nursing Technician, Installation and Maintenance Technician, Beauty Technician, Sales Technic Accounting, among others.
- These represent 68.6 % of the results.
Meanwhile, that companies, which agree with Infotep The realization of training, demand in their staff the following skills: administration and management, culinary art and kitchen, bar and restaurant, waiter, hygiene and food manipulation, computer science, customer service, good manufacturing practices, effective communication, Advanced Excel, Excel Advanced , emotional intelligence, spelling, among others.