In addition, the new educational plan contemplates the community as “the integrating nucleus of the teaching and learning processes”. In other words, this curricular proposal aims to train citizens “with a sense of collective construction linked to the community”.
In this regard, Luis Arturo Solís, president of the National Union of Parents (UNPF), argued that mothers and fathers do not agree with this educational proposal because they consider it “ideologized.”
“They support it in an ideology rather than in a scientific field, in a pedagogical field. That is what concerns us. We do not agree and we do not want our children to be ‘ideologized’ in a new educational model. We want quality education, based on science, not based on ideologies, ”she assured at a press conference.
He added that they have collected around 40,000 signatures from people against this study plan and hope to take them to the SEP to request that the new educational model not be applied. They will also continue the fight against the study program through amparo trials, she said.
🗞 #SEPInforma
La maestra @delfinagomeza informó que en octubre iniciará piloto del Plan de Estudio para la Educación Preescolar, Primaria y Secundaria en 960 escuelas públicas del país. Reitera que los grados escolares se mantendrán.— SEP México (@SEP_mx) August 22, 2022
How will the new curriculum be applied?
Pilot test
It will be applied in 960 schools in the country, 30 for each state, starting in October. It will only be implemented in students of the first school grades of each educational level.
The 32 states, both from rural and urban areas, will participate in this test. It will be implemented in schools with general service, indigenous, community, multigrade and full organization. Also, in general, technical and telesecundarias secondary schools.
general application
Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, the new curriculum will be implemented as follows:
-Your application will start with the generations of students in the first grades of preschool, primary and secondary.
-Students who in that school year must attend the second and third grade of preschool; from the second to the sixth year of elementary school, and the second and third grade of secondary school will finish their educational level under what is established in the previous curriculum.
-Once these generations graduate, only the educational program designed by the current government will continue in force.