David Larreátegui, an internist, explains how it works in the body and indicates whether it is feasible for Ecuador to say ‘goodbye’ to the mask.
A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and Tucson, in the United States, revealed that the bacterial listing OM-85which is used to treat respiratory conditionsblock and inhibits infections by COVID-19 and could end the pandemic.
David Larreátegui, internist and professor of physiology and infectious disease at the University of the Americas (UDLA) explains the importance of this study.
“These are a group of antigens from various bacteria that are given in capsules or sachets to pediatric patients so that they can improve the immune system’s response against viral and bacterial infections,” he said.
Studies that have also been carried out in Italy have shown that this molecule is capable of reducing the receptors that, in the human body, generate infection. “What this molecule does is reduce the size of these receptors,” says Larreategui.
OM-85 has been used in various countries for more than 60 years, commonly as an infant treatment, to protect the respiratory tract from the consequences of a viral infection.
Although studies are still lacking in phase three to apply to regulatory agencies the emergency usethis finding can be considered as a “scientific light at the end of the tunnel”, say the experts involved with the study.
Covid will be endemic
Larreategui points out that the effect of vaccination it has had a great impact on the severity of the disease and this was demonstrated with omicron. “We came to have impressive cases of contagion, for example, in the United States, exceeding one million infections per day, and yet the mortality rates were very low.”
This shows that the coronavirus it’s already done transforming in a respiratory disease. “Then from one deadly pandemicwe go to cause an epidemic outbreak and we will end with a endemic phenomenon. One more virus to the list of respiratory viruses”, highlights the expert.
For this to happen – Larreategui points out – it must be ensured that the countries and communities with lower vaccination rates have access to the doses; since viruses mutate mainly in unvaccinated.
Indigenous community the least vaccinated
Almost half of the population that defines itself as indigenous (1.1 million people) has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, in Ecuador, according to a data collection carried out by the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC).
The head of this institution, Roberto Castillo, says that it is a cultural issue, in the vast majority of indigenous nationalities they don’t trust western medicine or are they in hard to reach areas.
While the mestizos are the ones with the levels highest vaccination: 83%. While 72.3% are Montubios and 76.2% Afro-Ecuadorians.
Larreategui says that those who do not want to be vaccinated must be respected, but that the Ministry of Health, through evidence, should inform and create campaigns aimed at the communities. “I have not seen campaigns in the Quechua language asserting the importance of vaccines,” she adds.
Another idea is for the government to rely on indigenous leaders.
The INEC survey also identified 2.1 million people they have not been vaccinated but who say they are interested in doing so. The reasons for not having been immunized have been: it is that the reinforcement date is not yet due, because they do not know where there is a vaccination point or because it is not the brand they expected.
More than 300 thousand anti-vaccines
It has also been identified that in Ecuador there are approximately 326,000 people who identify themselves as anti-vaccines. While there are 138,000 who say they do not trust its effectiveness. Despite these groups, Ecuador is one of the countries with the highest rate of immunization against the coronavirus.
Calculations, still unofficial and based on data from old cases, vaccination and new omicron infections, would determine that “the seroprevalence in the country is 92%,” Health Minister Ximena Garzón told EFE.
For this reason, the Ministry of Health, together with the Central University of Ecuador, the University of South Florida and the National Institute for Health Research (Inspi) are carrying out an investigation to determine if immunity is already at 92%. It is estimated that in three months they will be able to have a statistical analysis. (AVV)