Video games are gaining more and more followers and have become an industry that moves millions of dollars, and the so-called “gamification” of business acquires growing importance, say experts in the sector.
“‘Gaming’ has an active component of vital importance for those of us who do marketing: entertainment,” he assured Máximo Lorenzo, marketing and communications expert, and Global CMO of Nawaiamvideo game platform applied to human resources.
For Lorenzo, “organizations that bet on this sector as part of their marketing strategy will be able to integrate this component to capture a higher level of attention from their users and generate a higher level of engagement with brands.”
“Gamification” has already surpassed the barrier of entertainment and is used by many brands as a tool to obtain all kinds of results.
“The game has a very great power when it comes to connecting with the essence of people,” he adds Horacio Llovet, co-founder of Nawaiam.
According to Llovet, “we grew up and learned by playing, although some adults have forgotten it. The novelty is to use it as a tool in human resources processes, a trend that is growing”.
There are those who affirm that games are becoming a business, taking into account that today the public varies between the youngest -children who are not yet a decade old-, passing through young people and even adults over 45, who They cut across all economic levels.
From this follows the landing of massive brands in the world of gaming, since they are the ones who study the needs and interests of their audience, and turn it to playfulness to provide an experience that generates a positive impact on their followers.
“There will be brands for which simple ‘sponsorship’ will serve as part of the strategy, and others that will have to play a more active role, such as creating their own league and generating their own competitions; they all lead to the same opportunity space : you have to be there”, affirms Lorenzo.