Most Colombians are aware of the traffic offenses for which they can be penalized with a fine, the mobilization of the car and even the suspension of the driver’s license. Nevertheless, They are unaware that smoking while driving also carries a penalty.
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Based on Colombian law, smoking while driving, whether in public or private service vehicles, it is an infraction. Resolution 3027 of 2010, of the Ministry of Transportation, indicates that the driver who is caught smoking in the car may be fined the figure of 10 current legal daily minimum wages (SMMLV).
However, the sanction can increase to 100 SMMLV, if for that reason the driver causes an accident. In this case, the driver’s license is also suspended and, if it is a public transport vehicle, the driver must take a road safety course.
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In the case of public transport passengers, according to regulations, there are “educational fellowships” such as getting out of the vehicle and taking a road safety course.