Sympathetic, the mule who saved after falling into a mine in Tibu, now waits for her prosthesis to walk again TUBARCO NEWS Nice, the brave mule of Tibu, Catatumbo News Colombia. The
The Prosecutor of the Nation, Delia Espinoza, opened investigation against the Supreme Prosecutor Zoraida Ávalosand members of Special Lava Jato team, for allegedly favoring the Odebrecht company with the effective collaboration agreement.
Memphis Depaystriker of Corinthiansapologized this Wednesday after knowing his sentence for driving with blood alcohol during his vacation in Monaco last year. The 30 -year -old Dutch footballer recognized the fact indicated
The Brazilian franchise market recorded a 13.5% increase in 2024, reaching revenues of R $ 273.08 billion, according to performance survey by the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF), released on Wednesday (5). According
On the afternoon of this Tuesday, February 4the nation witnessed the Council of Ministers which was carried out in the house of Nariño. The transmission, which was announced suddenly, lasted about five